Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How long does fresh juice keep its vitamin and mineral content?

Q. I recently started juicing. My question is how long does the fresh juice keep its vitamins and minerals intact. Must I drink it immediately or can I keep it for a day or two?

A. Depends on the juice. Wheat-grass is supposed to be drunk immediately, while others seem to keep well in the fridge.

You would probably have to look it up on google for specific juices.

How long does home made juice keeps?
Q. I have started juicing at home, but just the quantity that will be consumed immediately.
Does anyone know if I can make a whole batch for two of three days and keep it in the fridge?
Does it keep? Or it defeats the whole purpose?
fruit or / and vegetable.

A. The enzymes in the juice will break down very quickly, losing vitamins and taste. I have juices for years, and have learned that juice must be consumed within 15 minutes of juicing, or it gets slimy. If you are doing a single veg or fruit, such as carrot or apple, it will keep for the day if you add a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime, but the quality deteriorates. Those enzymes work fast! It breaks down to quickly to save.

What is a good juicing recipe and how often do I drink them?
Q. Ive recently read the health benefits of juicing and I would like to try it. Ive seen juice fasting but mostly looking for the health benefits and weight loss. Any recipies or directions would be appreciated

A. I'm glad you started juicing. My spouse and I started after watching a documentary about it. We too didn't see the need to do a fast per say, but have found that replacing 1 meal a day with a juice to be not only very enjoyable but also very rewarding health-wise. Check out for some tasty and healthy juice recipes. I've found that my skin health has improved since beginning juicing. We don't often think about our skin as a body organ, but it is actually the largest organ we have. Juicing has certainly helped me consume adequate amounts of Vit A, C and E to keep my largest and most visible organ healthy.

How much juice is in a pomegranate?
Q. I found a cool recipe for a pomegranate glaze but the directions just tell me to juice 4 pomegranates. I can get the juice at the local store and after my adventure juicing strawberries by hand, I don't really want to juice any pomegranates if I can avoid it. Does anyone know how much juice is in one?

A. I (insanely) actually juiced ONE pomegranate once. It was about 1/4 cup of juice and took about half an hour. Smooshing all of those tiny little seeds, and letting it drain..

Just buy the POM stuff at the supermarket. I would call 4 pomegranates to be about 1 cup.

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