Saturday, December 15, 2012

Can orange juice and vitamins help cure a productive cough?

Q. I drink lots of orange juice (with Calcium and Vitamin D) and take a vitamin every day, and I have this productive cough. Can these help me get rid of it?

Note: I do not take any OTC medicines, nor do I want to take them anyway.

A. Vitamins are good to take and orange juice is good for you, but there are no real cures for your cough(if it is from viral infection). A productive cough is not necessarily a bad thing in the short term. If it persists for more than a week go see a doc. An expectorant won't do anything for you if it is already productive. That is used to make a dry unproductive cough more watery and productive. If you are annoyed by coughing spells and can't relax the best thing to do is take a cough syrup, but you don't take those. Drink plenty of fluids to keep the cough productive, it should pass. If it doesn't or you start getting any chest pains gp see a doc.

How do you substitute bottled lime juice for fresh lime juice?
Q. How much bottled juice is equal to the juice of one lime? The bottled lime juice doesn't provide any information on how to substitute bottled juice for fresh.

A. About 2 tbsp juice = 1 fresh lime

How much orange juice should I drink to bring along my period?
Q. Drinking orange juice is said to make your period come faster, but how much should I drink?
The reason why I asked is because YES my period is late. You don't need to be rude.

A. That's not true.

Vitamin C can induce late periods as it starves the uterus of progesterone - however this would only work if your period was actually due or late, it also requires a high dose...far more vitamin C than you'd get from a few glasses of orange juice. It's really best just to let your period come naturally.

How much lemon juice should be added to a gallon of water to prevent browning of potatoes?
Q. How much lemon juice should be added to a gallon of water to prevent browning of potatoes? Thanks for your help!

A. Browning in potatoes, bananas, apples, mushrooms and many other fruits and veggies are caused by enzymes called polyphenoloxidase. Keeping potatoes submerged in water will work for a while as it greatly lessens the available amount of oxygen the enzymes require to cause browning, however it will not eliminate the browning process altogether.

Lemon juice works great for preventing enzymatic browning of apples, pears and bananas, as it actually kills the enzymes by altering the ph level on the surface of the fruit. While submerging potatoes in water will greatly reduce enzymatic browning, the potatoes still yellow a little bit. Peel a fresh potato and compare it to one soaked in water overnight and you will see the soaked potato has indeed darkened slightly. If you want to prevent the discoloration entirely, you can dissolve 2 TBL of salt per gallon of water and this will keep your potatoes nice and white. Remember to rinse the potatoes before using them.

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